On the uniqueness of loops M(G,2)
On the universal theory of torsion and lacunary hyperbolic groups
On the vanishing ranges for the cohomology of finite groups of Lie type II
On the vanishing ranges for the cohomology of finite groups of Lie type
On the Vertices of Indecomposable Modules Over Dihedral 2-Groups
On the vertices of indecomposable summands of certain Lefschetz modules
On the weak order of Coxeter groups
On The Weak Order Of Orthogonal Groups
On the Width of Verbal Subgroups of the Groups of Triangular Matrices over a Field of Arbitrary Characteristic
On the Word and Period Growth of some Groups of Tree Automorphisms
On the Y555 complex reflection group
On the Zappa-Szep Product
On thin-complete ideals of subsets of groups
On three approaches to conjugacy in semigroups
On Tits Buildings of Type $A_n$
On Tits' Centre Conjecture for Fixed Point Subcomplexes
On topological groups (locally) homeomorphic to LF-spaces
On topological properties of the formal power series substitution group
On topological twin buildings and topological split Kac-Moody groups
On torsion images of Coxeter groups and question of Wiegold