Grid diagrams of Lorenz links
Grid Diagrams, Braids, and Contact Geometry
Gromov hyperbolicity and a variation of the Gordian complex
Gromov's macroscopic dimension conjecture
Grope Cobordism and Feynman Diagrams
Grope cobordism of classical knots
Gropes and the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral
Grothendieck's Reconstruction Principle and 2-dimensional Topology and Geometry
Group actions on 4-manifolds: some recent results and open questions
Group categories and their field theories
Group homology and ideal fundamental cycles
Group negative curvature for 3-manifolds with genuine laminations
Group Width
Groupoid Extensions of Mapping Class Representations for Bordered Surfaces
Groupoid-theoretical methods in the mapping class groups of surfaces
Groupoïdes de Lie et Feuilletages
Groups generated by positive multi-twists and the fake lantern problem
Groups Generated by Powers of Dehn Twists
Groups of Flagged Homotopies and Higher Gauge Theory
Groups of locally-flat disk knots and non-locally-flat sphere knots