A landing theorem for dynamic rays of geometrically finite entire functions
A Landing Theorem for Periodic Rays of Exponential Maps
A large deviations bound for the Teichmuller flow
A lecture on the classical KAM theorem
A limit theorem for a random walk in a stationary scenery coming from a hyperbolic dynamical system
A Limit Theorem for Birkoff sums of non-integrable functions over rotations
A limit-cycle solver for nonautonomous dynamical systems
A Linear Programming Approach to Weak Reversibility and Linear Conjugacy of Chemical Reaction Networks
A Link Between The Continuous And The Discrete Logistic Equations
A Livsic type theorem for germs of analytic diffeomorphisms
A local ergodic theorem for non-uniformly hyperbolic symplectic maps with singularities
A local limit theorem with speed of convergence for Euclidean algorithms and diophantine costs
A local variational principle for random bundle transformations
A local-global problem for linear differential equations
A Lohner-type algorithm for control systems and ordinary differential inclusions
A lower bound for Garsia's entropy for certain Bernoulli convolutions
A lower bound for topological entropy of generic non Anosov symplectic diffeomorphisms
A Markov jump process approximation of the stochastic Burgers equation
A Markov partition for the Feigenbaum dynamics
A Mars orbiter mission design