Words Maps and Spectra of Random Graph Lifts
Words restricted by 3-letter generalized multipermutation patterns
Words restricted by patterns with at most 2 distinct letters
Words with intervening neighbours in infinite Coxeter groups are reduced
Worst Case to Average Case Reductions for Polynomials
Worst-case efficient dominating sets in digraphs
Wreath Product Symmetric Functions
Wreath Products of Permutation Classes
WZ Theory, Chapter II
Yang-Baxter bases of 0-Hecke algebras and representation theory of 0-Ariki-Koike-Shoji algebras
Yet a short proof of the 4-colour theorem
Yet another generalization of Postnikov's hook length formula for binary trees
Yet Another Hat Game
Young classes of permutations
Z-Measures on partitions, Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence, and beta=2 random matrix ensembles
Zeckendorf family identities generalized
Zeilberger's Holonomic Ansatz for Pfaffians
Zero biasing and growth processes
Zero forcing parameters and minimum rank problems
Zero Forcing Sets and Bipartite Circulants