Why Delannoy numbers?
Why the characteristic polynomial factors
WI-posets, graph complexes and Z_2-equivalences
Wide partitions, Latin tableaux, and Rota's basis conjecture
Wiener Indices of Spiro and Polyphenyl Hexagonal Chains
Wilf classification of bi-vincular permutation patterns
Wilf classification of three and four letter signed patterns
Wilf conjecture
Wilf Equivalence for the Charge Statistic
Winning strategies for aperiodic subtraction games
Wiring Switches to Light Bulbs
Witness sets
Word Hopf algebras
Word posets, complexity, and Coxeter groups
Word Representations of m x n x p Proper Arrays
Words and morphisms with Sturmian erasures
Words and polynomial invariants of finite groups in non-commutative variables
Words avoiding 7/3-powers and the Thue-Morse morphism
Words avoiding repetitions in arithmetic progressions
Words avoiding reversed subwords