What power of two divides a weighted Catalan number?
When do the r-by-r minors of a matrix form a tropical basis?
When do the recession cones of a polyhedral complex form a fan?
When do two planted graphs have the same cotransversal matroid?
When does the associated graded Lie algebra of an arrangement group decompose?
When does the K_4-free process stop?
When Does the Positive Semidefiniteness Constraint Help In Lifting Procedures
When does the top homology of a random simplicial complex vanish?
When is 0.999... equal to 1?
When is a Tensor Product of Circulant Graphs Circulant?
When is ch(K(m,n))=m-1?
When is the Direct Product of Generalized Mycielskians a Cover Graph?
When the orbit algebra of group is an integral domain? Proof of a conjecture of P.J. Cameron
Where do power laws come from?
Where the monotone pattern (mostly) rules
Which Digraphs with Ring Structure are Essentially Cyclic?
Which mutation classes of quivers have constant number of arrows?
Which point sets admit a k-angulation?
Whitney algebras and Grassmann's regressive products
Who Wins Domineering on Rectangular Boards?