Signature quantization, representations of compact Lie groups, and a q-analogue of the Kostant partition function
Signed degree sets in signed bipartite graphs
Signed degree sets in signed graphs
Signed differential posets and sign-imbalance
Signed enumeration of ribbon tableaux
Signed Mahonian polynomials for classical Weyl groups
Signed Mahonians
Signed mahonians on some trees and parabolic quotients
Signed permutations and the four color theorem
Signed shape tilings of squares
Signed words and permutations, IV; Fixed and pixed points
Significance Theory
Signs in the cd-index of Eulerian partially ordered sets
Silver block intersection graphs of Steiner 2-designs
simpcomp -- A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes
Simple and Direct Proof of MacLane's Planarity Criterion
Simple closed form Hankel transforms based on the central coefficients of certain Pascal-like triangles
Simple cycles
Simple Euclidean arrangements with one (>=5)-gon
Simple extensions of combinatorial structures