Sharp Thresholds for Monotone Non Boolean Functions and Social Choice Theory
Sharp upper bound for the rainbow connection number of a graph with diameter 2
Sharp upper bound for the rainbow connection numbers of 2-connected graphs
Sharpness of Falconer's estimate in continuous and arithmetic settings, geometric incidence theorems and distribution of lattice points in convex domains
Sheaves on Graphs and Their Homological Invariants
Shellability and the strong gcd-condition
Shellability of complexes of directed trees
Shellable complexes and topology of diagonal arrangements
Shellable Complexes from Multicomplexes
Shellable graphs and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs
Shelling and triangulating the (extra)ordinary polytope
Shelling Coxeter-like Complexes and Sorting on Trees
Shelling-type orderings of regular CW-complexes and acyclic matchings of the Salvetti complex
Shells of selfdual lattices viewed as spherical designs
Sherali-Adams Relaxations of Graph Isomorphism Polytopes
Shifted Jacobi polynomials and Delannoy numbers
Shifted Quasi-Symmetric Functions and the Hopf algebra of peak functions
Shifted set families, degree sequences, and plethysm
Shifted symmetric $δ$-vectors of convex polytopes
Shifted versions of the Bailey and well-poised Bailey lemmas