Sturmian words, $β$-shifts, and transcendence
Sub-exponentially many 3-colorings of triangle-free planar graphs
Sub-Gaussian tails for the number of triangles in G(n,p)
Subclasses of the separable permutations
Subclose Families, Threshold Graphs, and the Weight Hierarchy of Grassmann and Schubert Codes
Subdivision by bisectors is dense in the space of all triangles
Subdivision of complexes of k-Trees
Subdivisions in apex graphs
Subdivisions, shellability, and the Zeeman conjecture
Subdominant matroid ultrametrics
Subfunction relations defined by the clones containing all unary operations
Subgraph densities in signed graphons and the local Sidorenko conjecture
Subgraph posets, partition lattices, graph polynomials and reconstruction
Subgraphs of 4-regular planar graphs
Subgraphs of dense random graphs with specified degrees
Subgraphs of weakly quasi-random oriented graphs
Sublattices of associahedra and permutohedra
Suborbits of a point stabilizer in the orthogonal group on the last subconstituent of orthogonal dual polar graphs
Subsequence containment by involutions
Subset sums in $\BZ_p$