Stein's Method, Jack Measure, and the Metropolis Algorithm
Steiner quadruple systems with point-regular abelian automorphism groups
Steiner t-designs for large t
Stirling's formula derived simply
Stochastic Models for Speciation Events in Phylogenetic trees
Stratified spaces formed by totally positive varieties
Strengthened Brooks Theorem for digraphs of girth three
Strict Partitions of Maximal Projective Degree
Strictly monotonic multidimensional sequences and stable sets in pillage games
String rewriting for Double Coset Systems
Strong approximation in random towers of graphs
Strong embeddings of minimum genus
Strong Repetitions in Sturmian Strings
Strong sign-coherency of certain symmetric polynomials, with application to cluster algebras
Strong Splitter Theorem
Strongly Cancellative and Recovering Sets On Lattices
Strongly maximal matchings in infinite weighted graphs
Strongly regular Cayley graphs over primary abelian groups of rank 2
Strongly Regular Cayley Graphs, Skew Hadamard Difference Sets, and Rationality of Relative Gauss Sums
Strongly regular edge-transitive graphs