Squares in sumsets
Squaring the terms of an $\ell^{th}$ order linear recurrence
Squishing dimers on the hexagon lattice
Stabbing simplices by points and flats
Stability for large forbidden subgraphs
Stability for t-intersecting families of permutations
Stability results for random discrete structures
Stability results for uniquely determined sets from two directions in discrete tomography
Stability, fragility, and Rota's Conjecture
Stable Equivalences of Giambelli Type Matrices of Schur Functions
Stable Grothendieck polynomials and K-theoretic factor sequences
Stable matching in a common generalization of the marriage and assignment models
Stable multivariate $W$-Eulerian polynomials
Stackable and queueable permutations
Stacked directed animals and multi-directed animals defined without using heaps of pieces
Stacks in canonical RNA pseudoknot structures
Staircase Macdonald polynomials and the $q$-Discriminant
Staircase skew Schur functions are Schur P-positive
Standard paths in another composition poset
Stanley Decompositions and Polarization