Spherical designs from norm-3 shell of integral lattices
Spherical Tiling by 12 Congruent Pentagons
Spiders for rank 2 Lie algebras
Spiral Chains: A New Proof of the Four Color Theorem
Spiral Chains: The Proofs of Tait's and Tutte's Three-Edge-Coloring Conjectures
Splicing Matroids
Split hypergraphs
Splitting finite antichains in the homomorphism order
Splitting multidimensional necklaces
Splitting Polytopes
Splitting the K-Terminal Reliability
Splittings of independence complexes and the powers of cycles
Sports scheduling for not all pairs of teams
Spot-Based Generations for Meta-Fibonacci Sequences
Spotlight Tiling
Sprouts game on compact surfaces
SQS-graphs of extended 1-perfect codes
SQS-graphs of Solov'eva-Phelps codes
Square-Difference-Free Sets of Size Omega(n^{0.7334...})
Square-free Walks on Labelled Graphs