Simplicial simple-homotopy of flag complexes in terms of graphs
SimplicialDecomposability: a package for Macaulay 2
Simply Generated Trees, B-series and Wigner Processes
Simulating a Random Walk with Constant Error
Simulation of simplicity: a technique to cope with degenerate cases in geometric algorithms
Simultaneous avoidance of generalized patterns
Simultaneous avoidance of large squares and fractional powers in infinite binary words
Simultaneous Diagonal Flips in Plane Triangulations
Simultaneous generation for zeta values by the Markov-WZ method
Singer 8-arcs of Mathon type in PG(2,2^7)
Singly-even self-dual codes with minimal shadow
Singular 0/1-matrices, and the hyperplanes spanned by random 0/1-vectors
Singular combinatorics
Singular polynomials of generalized Kasteleyn matrices
Singularity analysis, Hadamard products, and tree recurrences
Singularity of Random Matrices over Finite Fields
Sinks in Acyclic Orientations of Graphs
Six bijections between deco polyominoes and permutations
Six Little Squares and How Their Numbers Grow
Size of components of a cube coloring