Not All Saturated 3-Forests Are Tight
Not all simplicial polytopes are weakly vertex-decomposable
Note for Nikiforov's two conjectures on the energy of trees
Note on a Conjecture of Graham
Note on a Conjecture of Wegner
Note on a relation between Randic index and algebraic connectivity
Note on antichain cutsets in discrete semimodular lattices
Note on bipartite graph tilings
Note on Doron Zeilberger's paper: ${5 \choose 2}$ proofs that ${n \choose k} \leq {n \choose {k+1}}$ if $k < n/2$
Note on generating all subsets of a finite set with disjoint unions
Note on group distance magic graphs $G[C_4]$
Note on half-cube embeddings
Note on minimally $k$-rainbow connected graphs
Note on parity factors of regular graphs
Note on PI and Szeged indices
Note on powers in three interval exchange transformations
Note on rainbow connection number of dense graphs
Note on the 4- and 5-leaf powers
Note on the energy of regular graphs
Note on the harmonic index of a graph