Knight's Tours in Higher Dimensions
Knights, spies, games and ballot sequences
Knot invariants and the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial of embedded graphs
Kocay's lemma, Whitney's theorem, and some polynomial invariant reconstruction problems
Kolmogorov complexity, Lovasz local lemma and critical exponents
Kolmogorov Random Graphs and the Incompressibility Method
Kostka-Foulkes polynomials cyclage graphs and charge statistic for the root system $C_{n}$
Koszul duality for monoids and the operad of enriched rooted trees
KP solitons and total positivity for the Grassmannian
KP solitons, higher Bruhat and Tamari orders
KP solitons, total positivity, and cluster algebras
Krausz dimension and its generalizations in special graph classes
Kreweras's Narayana number identity has a simple Dyck path interpretation
Kron Reduction of Graphs with Applications to Electrical Networks
Kronecker product identities from D-finite symmetric functions
Kronecker products and the RSK correspondence
Kruskal--Katona type theorems for clique complexes arising from chordal and strongly chordal graphs
K_6 minors in 6-connected graphs of bounded tree-width
K_6 minors in large 6-connected graphs