Expected length of a product of random reflections
Expected length of the longest common subsequence for large alphabets
Expected lengths and distribution functions for Young diagrams in the hook
Expected number of distinct part sizes in a random integer composition
Expected number of inversions after a sequence of random adjacent transpositions
Experiments with a Positivity Preserving Operator
Explicit and efficient formulas for the lattice point count in rational polygons using Dedekind-Rademacher sums
Explicit combinatorial interpretation of Kerov character polynomials as numbers of permutation factorizations
Explicit Constructions of Ramanujan Complexes of Type $\tilde{A}_d$
Explicit Enumeration of 321,Hexagon-Avoiding Permutations
Explicit enumeration of triangulations with multiple boundaries
Explicit expression for the generating function counting Gessel's walks
Explicit incidence bounds over general finite fields
Explicit monomial expansions of the generating series for connection coefficients
Explicit polynomial generators for the ring of quasi-symmetric functions over the integers
Explicit Ramsey graphs and Erdos distance problem over finite Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces
Explicit representations by halfspaces of the edge cone of a graph
Explicit tough Ramsey graphs
Exploiting Symmetries in the Computation of Graver Bases
Exponential Dowling structures