Example of a 6-by-6 Matrix with Different Tropical and Kapranov Ranks
Examples and counterexamples for Perles' conjecture
Excedance number for involutions in complex reflection groups
Excedance numbers for permutations in complex reflection groups
Exceptional parameters for generic A-hypergeometric systems
Exchangeable pairs from switchings
Excluded Forest Minors and the Erdős-Pósa Property
Excluding Degree Sequences of Cycles
Excluding Kuratowski graphs and their duals from binary matroids
Exotic complex Hadamard matrices, and their equivalence
Expander Graphs in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Expanders and the Affine Building of ${\rm Sp}_n$
Expanders Are Universal for the Class of All Spanning Trees
Expanding graphs, Ramanujan graphs, and 1-factor perturbations
Expansion of $k$-Schur functions for maximal $k$-rectangles within the affine nilCoxeter algebra
Expansion properties of a random regular graph after random vertex deletions
Expansions for the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial of separable ribbon graphs
Expansions of $k$-Schur functions in the affine nilCoxeter algebra
Expansive Motions and the Polytope of Pointed Pseudo-Triangulations
Expected Crossing Numbers