($\ell,0)$-Carter partitions, a generating function, and their crystal theoretic interpretation
(-1)-enumeration of plane partitions with complementation symmetry
(-1)-enumeration of self-complementary plane partitions
(1,λ)-embedded graphs and the acyclic edge choosability
(2+2)-free posets, ascent sequences and pattern avoiding permutations
(2,1)-separating systems beyond the probabilistic bound
(2,1)-Total labeling of planar graphs with large maximum degree
(G,m)-multiparking functions
(k,m)-Catalan Numbers and Hook Length Polynomials for Plane Trees
(l,k)-Routing on Plane Grids
(Multiplicity-free) Skew Schur functions with interval support
(q,t)-analogues and GL_n(F_q)
(Very) short proof of Rayleigh's Theorem (and extensions)
({2,3}, 6)-spheres and their generalizations