Radar Tomography of Asteroids ASSERT / Marco Polo-R
Real Output Costs of Financial Crises: A Loss Distribution Approach
Real-time calibrated microwave plasma mulitmetals emissions monitor
Recent progress in random metric theory and its applications to conditional risk measures
Reconstruction of financial network for robust estimation of systemic risk
Recovery Rates in investment-grade pools of credit assets: A large deviations analysis
Resilience to Contagion in Financial Networks
Restructuring Counterparty Credit Risk
Resumes of the Bird mission
Risk assessment for uncertain cash flows: Model ambiguity, discounting ambiguity, and the role of bubbles
Risk Concentration and Diversification: Second-Order Properties
Risk management applied to planetary defense.
Risk management approach for de-orbiting of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
Risk Management in ETS-8 Project
Risk Measures in Quantitative Finance
Risk Measures on $\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{R})$ and Ambiguity for the Value At Risk: $ΛV@R$
Risk measuring under model uncertainty
Risk minimization and set-valued average value at risk via linear vector optimization
Ruin models with investment income
Ruin probabilities under general investments and heavy-tailed claims