On Systemic Stability of Banking Networks
On the nature of financial leverage
On the Necessity of Five Risk Measures
On the Savety Loading for Chain Ladder Estimates: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
Open for business: A New Approach to Commercialisation of the International Space Station
Operational Collision Risk Management - Evaluating and Mitigating High-Risk Conjunction Events
Optimal control of a big financial company with debt liability under bankrupt probability constraints
Optimal dividend and investing control of a insurance company with higher solvency constraints
Optimal Dividend and reinsurance strategy of a Property Insurance Company under Catastrophe Risk
Optimal leverage from non-ergodicity
Optimal Reversible Annuities to Minimize the Probability of Lifetime Ruin
Optimization of dividend and reinsurance strategies under ruin probability constraint
Ordering of multivariate probability distributions with respect to extreme portfolio losses
Ordinal Classification Method for the Evaluation Of Thai Non-life Insurance Companies