Option pricing under stochastic volatility: the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model
Parsimonious HJM Modelling for Multiple Yield-Curve Dynamics
Path Integral and Asian Options
Path integral approach to Asian options in the Black-Scholes model
Path integral approach to the pricing of timer options with the Duru-Kleinert time transformation
Perfect and partial hedging for swing game options in discrete time
Perpetual American options within CTRW's
Perpetual American vanilla option pricing under single regime change risk. An exhaustive study
Perpetual Cancellable American Call Option
Perturbation Expansion for Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility
Perturbative Approach on Financial Markets
Perturbed Copula: Introducing the skew effect in the co-dependence
Power Series Representations for European Option Prices under Stochastic Volatility Models
Price as a matter of choice and nonstochastic randomness
Pricing a Contingent Claim Liability with Transaction Costs Using Asymptotic Analysis for Optimal Investment
Pricing and Hedging Asian Basket Options with Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulations
Pricing and hedging barrier options in a hyper-exponential additive model
Pricing and Hedging in Affine Models with Possibility of Default
Pricing and hedging of derivatives based on non-tradable underlyings
Pricing Bermudan options using nonparametric regression: optimal rates of convergence for lower estimates