Macroeconomic Phase Transitions Detected from the Dow Jones Industrial Average Time Series
Macrostate Parameter and Investment Risk Diagrams for 2008 and 2009
Mapping markets to the statistical mechanics: the derivatives act against the self-regulation of stock market
Markets are efficient if and only if P = NP
Mathematical analysis of long tail economy using stochastic ranking processes
Mathematical analysis of Soros's theory of reflexivity
Mathematical Constraints on Financially Viable Public Policy
Mathematics underlying the 2008 financial crisis, and a possible remedy
Maximum Entropy, the Collective Welfare Principle and the Globalization Process
Mesure de l'incertitude tendancielle sur la mortalité ? application à un régime de rentes
Micro-Macro Relation of Production - The Double Scaling Law for Statistical Physics of Economy -
Microscopic Study Reveals the Singular Origins of Growth
Mixing Kohonen Algorithm, Markov Switching Model and Detection of Multiple Change-Points: An Application to Monetary History
Modeling international crisis synchronization in the World Trade Web
Modeling the evolution of Gini coefficient for personal incomes in the USA between 1947 and 2005
Modeling the International-Trade Network: A Gravity Approach
Modeling total expenditure on warranty claims
Modeling wealth distribution in growing markets
Modelling and predicting labor force productivity
Modelling interest rates by correlated multi-factor CIR-like processes