Fairness Is an Emergent Self-Organized Property of the Free Market for Labor
Fifteen Years of Econophysics Research
Finance Without Probabilistic Prior Assumptions
Financial Atoms and Molecules
Financial crises and the evaporation of trust
Financial Variables Effect on the U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment (GPDI) 1959-2001
Firm dynamics in a closed, conserved economy: A model of size distribution of employment and related statistics
Fluctuation-Dissipation Theory of Input-Output Interindustrial Correlations
Fluctuations of company yearly profits versus scaled revenue: Fat tail distribution of Levy type
Free Lunch
From Nuclear Reactions to High-Frequency Trading: an R-function Approach
From Smile Asymptotics to Market Risk Measures
Fundamental and Real-World Challenges in Economics
Fundamental defect of the macroeconomic thinking as one of the main causes of the crisis endured