Platform Dependent Verification: On Engineering Verification Tools for 21st Century
Platform for Assessing Strategic Alignment Using Enterprise Architecture: Application to E-Government Process Assessment
Plat_Forms -- a contest: The web development platform comparison
Pluggable AOP: Designing Aspect Mechanisms for Third-party Composition
Portlet Wrappers using JavaScript
Postmortem Object Type Identification
Power Law Distributions in Class Relationships
Practical experience of engineering software production to a structured programming standard
Practical impact of an integrated workbench on the quality assurance of embedded software
Pre-Requirement Specification Traceability: Bridging the Complexity Gap through Capabilities
Precise astrocamera for manned flights
Precise Schedulability Analysis for unfeasible to notify separately for comprehensive - EDF Scheduling of interrupted Hard Real-Time Tasks on the similar Multiprocessors
Precisely Analyzing Loss in Interface Adapter Chains
Predicting Bugs' Components via Mining Bug Reports
Predicting Coding Effort in Projects Containing XML Code
Predicting User Actions in Software Processes
Preventing SQL Injection through Automatic Query Sanitization with ASSIST
Prioritizing Software Inspection Results using Static Profiling
Probabilistic Analysis of Loss in Interface Adapter Chaining
Proceedings 10th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures