Development of a platform-independent receiver control system for SISIFOS
Discrete Frequency Selection of Frame-Based Stochastic Real-Time Tasks
DRAMA: an environment for distributed instrumentation software
Dynamic and Transparent Analysis of Commodity Production Systems
Dynamic Scheduling of Skippable Periodic Tasks with Energy Efficiency in Weakly Hard Real-Time System
Efficient and Playful Tools to Teach Unix to New Students
Efficient Synchronization Primitives for GPUs
Efficient System-Enforced Deterministic Parallelism
End-User Effects of Microreboots in Three-Tiered Internet Systems
Enhancements to the Sentinel Fireball Network Video Software
EPIC(XMM) instrument calibration. I. Synchroton test bed.
ESO's Hidden Treasures Brought to Light
Evolution of a Modular Software Network
Exact Feasibility Tests for Real-Time Scheduling of Periodic Tasks upon Multiprocessor Platforms
Exact Schedulability Test for global-EDF Scheduling of Periodic Hard Real-Time Tasks on Identical Multiprocessors
Executing the same binary on several operating systems
Fault Tolerance in Real Time Multiprocessors - Embedded Systems
Feedback Scheduling: An Event-Driven Paradigm
Fermi Large Area Space Telescope Offline Software Maintenance Madness
FIFO anomaly is unbounded