American Astronomical Society Honors NRAO Scientist
An Automated Release Manager for the Fermi Large Area Telescope Software Systems
An Optimal Real-Time Scheduling Approach: From Multiprocessor to Uniprocessor
Application of CORBA to the SOLIS Communications System
Application of Global and One-Dimensional Local Optimization to Operating System Scheduler Tuning
Astronomy and Mathematics in SPB University: a long joint journey
Automated search for supernova explosions
Automated supernova search
Building XenoBuntu Linux Distribution for Teaching and Prototyping Real-Time Operating Systems
CalFUSE and the Final FUSE Archive
CASSIS, a software package to analyse high spectral resolution observations
Checkbochs: Use Hardware to Check Software
Comparative performance analysis of multi dynamic time quantum Round Robin(MDTQRR) algorithm with arrival time
Comparison of Loss ratios of different scheduling algorithms
Customer Appeasement Scheduling
Design and analysis of palletized ISS Payloads
Design and Performance Evaluation of A New Proposed Fittest Job First Dynamic Round Robin(FJFDRR) Scheduling Algorithm
Determinating Timing Channels in Compute Clouds
Deterministic Consistency: A Programming Model for Shared Memory Parallelism
Deterministic Real-time Thread Scheduling