Training Reinforcement Neurocontrollers Using the Polytope Algorithm
Transfer Learning, Soft Distance-Based Bias, and the Hierarchical BOA
Two novel evolutionary formulations of the graph coloring problem
Two Remarkable Computational Competencies of the Simple Genetic Algorithm
Un Algorithme génétique pour le problème de ramassage et de livraison avec fenêtres de temps à plusieurs véhicules
Unary Coding for Neural Network Learning
Understanding Retail Productivity by Simulating Management Practise
Understanding the Principles of Recursive Neural networks: A Generative Approach to Tackle Model Complexity
Une adaptation des cartes auto-organisatrices pour des données décrites par un tableau de dissimilarités
Use of statistical outlier detection method in adaptive evolutionary algorithms
User preference extraction using dynamic query sliders in conjunction with UPS-EMO algorithm
Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for MLP Training on Earthquake Time Series Data Prediction
Using Bayesian Blocks to Partition Self-Organizing Maps
Using CODEQ to Train Feed-forward Neural Networks
Using Dissortative Mating Genetic Algorithms to Track the Extrema of Dynamic Deceptive Functions
Using Genetic Algorithm in the Evolutionary Design of Sequential Logic Circuits
Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimise Rough Set Partition Sizes for HIV Data Analysis
Using Hopfield to Solve Resource-Leveling Problem
Using Intelligent Agents to Understand Management Practices and Retail Productivity
Using Intelligent Agents to understand organisational behaviour