Taking the redpill: Artificial Evolution in native x86 systems
Techniques for Highly Multiobjective Optimisation: Some Nondominated Points are Better than Others
Text-To-Speech Conversion with Neural Networks: A Recurrent TDNN Approach
The Application of Bayesian Optimization and Classifier Systems in Nurse Scheduling
The Basic Kak Neural Network with Complex Inputs
The Combined Technique for Detection of Artifacts in Clinical Electroencephalograms of Sleeping Newborns
The Comparison of Methods Artificial Neural Network with Linear Regression Using Specific Variables for Prediction Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange
The Connectivity of NK Landscapes' Basins: A Network Analysis
The Danger Theory and Its Application to Artificial Immune Systems
The Development of Dominance Stripes and Orientation Maps in a Self-Organising Visual Cortex Network (VICON)
The Exact Schema Theorem
The Expert System Designed to Improve Customer Satisfaction
The Fundamental Problem with the Building Block Hypothesis
The NoN Approach to Autonomic Face Recognition
The Parameter-Less Self-Organizing Map algorithm
The Self-Organization of Interaction Networks for Nature-Inspired Optimization
The Self-Organizing Symbiotic Agent
The thermodynamic temperature of a rhythmic spiking network
The Transfer of Evolved Artificial Immune System Behaviours between Small and Large Scale Robotic Platforms
The universal evolutionary computer based on super-recursive algorithms of evolvability