Evolving Pacing Strategies for Team Pursuit Track Cycling
Evolving Stochastic Learning Algorithm Based on Tsallis Entropic Index
Evolving XSLT stylesheets
Existence and Global Logarithmic Stability of Impulsive Neural Networks with Time Delay
Experiment Study of Entropy Convergence of Ant Colony Optimization
Explaining Adaptation in Genetic Algorithms With Uniform Crossover: The Hyperclimbing Hypothesis
Explaining the Logical Nature of Electrical Solitons in Neural Circuits
Explicit Learning: an Effort towards Human Scheduling Algorithms
Exploiting Heavy Tails in Training Times of Multilayer Perceptrons: A Case Study with the UCI Thyroid Disease Database
Exploiting problem structure in a genetic algorithm approach to a nurse rostering problem
Exploration of RNA Editing and Design of Robust Genetic Algorithms
Exploring Logic Artificial Chemistries: An Illogical Attempt?
Exploring tradeoffs in pleiotropy and redundancy using evolutionary computing
Extracting Symbolic Rules for Medical Diagnosis Problem
Extraction of Symbolic Rules from Artificial Neural Networks
Extraction of topological features from communication network topological patterns using self-organizing feature maps
Extremal Optimization: an Evolutionary Local-Search Algorithm
Extreme Learning Machine for land cover classification