A Growing Self-Organizing Network for Reconstructing Curves and Surfaces
A High Quality Text-To-Speech System Composed of Multiple Neural Networks
A hybrid learning algorithm for text classification
A Learning Algorithm for Evolving Cascade Neural Networks
A Mathematical Unification of Geometric Crossovers Defined on Phenotype Space
A Multi-Agent Simulation of Retail Management Practices
A Neural Network Decision Tree for Learning Concepts from EEG Data
A Neural Network Model for Construction Projects Site Overhead Cost Estimating in Egypt
A Neural-Network Technique for Recognition of Filaments in Solar Images
A Neural-Network Technique to Learn Concepts from Electroencephalograms
A New Kind of Hopfield Networks for Finding Global Optimum
A New Method for Lower Bounds on the Running Time of Evolutionary Algorithms
A Novel and Robust Evolution Algorithm for Optimizing Complicated Functions
A Novel Crossover Operator for Genetic Algorithms: Ring Crossover
A novel evolutionary formulation of the maximum independent set problem
A Novel Symbolic Type Neural Network Model- Application to River Flow Forecasting
A philosophical essay on life and its connections with genetic algorithms
A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for a Single Machine Scheduling Problem Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
A process planning system with feature based neural network search strategy for aluminum extrusion die manufacturing
A Pyramidal Evolutionary Algorithm with Different Inter-Agent Partnering Strategies for Scheduling Problems