Label-Specific Training Set Construction from Web Resource for Image Annotation
Latent Semantic Learning with Structured Sparse Representation for Human Action Recognition
Learning by Teaching: Implementation of a Multimedia Project in Astro 101
Learning content similarity for music recommendation
Leveraging Metadata to Create Interactive Images... Today!
Linking Science and Society With an Environmental Information Bridge
Lossless Digital Image Compression Method for Bitmap Images
M-Learning: A New Paradigm of Learning Mathematics in Malaysia
Markov Decision Process Based Energy-Efficient On-Line Scheduling for Slice-Parallel Video Decoders on Multicore Systems
Mars orbital laser altimeter and mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionosphere sounding (MARSIS)
Massive Black Hole Implicated in Stellar Destruction
MediaWiki Grammar Recovery
Merging Galaxies Create a Binary Quasar
Mining the SDSS Database to Teach the Evolution of Galaxy Clusters to ASTRO101 Students
Modeling and Annotating the Expressive Semantics of Dance Videos
Modelling Gesture Based Ubiquitous Applications
MP-RAID: multiple parallel RAID architecture for multimedia servers
MPS Internships in Public Science Education: Sensing the Radio Sky
MSU Contributes to New Research on Star Formation
Multi-dimensional sparse time series: feature extraction