SIMMUNE, a tool for simulating and analyzing immune system behavior
Simulating Customer Experience and Word Of Mouth in Retail - A Case Study
Simulation of Pedestrians Crossing a Street
Soft Control on Collective Behavior of a Group of Autonomous Agents by a Shill Agent
Spectral Control of Mobile Robot Networks
Stability of Evolving Multi-Agent Systems
Static and Expanding Grid Coverage with Ant Robots : Complexity Results
Subexponential convergence for information aggregation on regular trees
Symmetry in behavior of complex social systems - discussion of models of crowd evacuation organized in agreement with symmetry conditions
Synchronized Task Decomposition for Cooperative Multi-agent Systems
Tables, Memorized Semirings and Applications
The Cooperative Cleaners Problem in Stochastic Dynamic Environments
The emergence of knowledge exchange: an agent-based model of a software market
The F.A.S.T.-Model
The Inverse Task of the Reflexive Game Theory: Theoretical Matters, Practical Applications and Relationship with Other Issues
The Projection Method for Reaching Consensus and the Regularized Power Limit of a Stochastic Matrix
The Role of Persistent Graphs in the Agreement Seeking of Social Networks
The Rule Responder eScience Infrastructure
The use of dynamic distance potential fields for pedestrian flow around corners
Three New Complexity Results for Resource Allocation Problems