M@th Desktop and MD Tools - Mathematics and Mathematica Made Easy for Students
Making big steps in trajectories
Mathematica: A System of Computer Programs
Mathematical Software: Past, Present, and Future
Matrix Inversion Using Cholesky Decomposition
Matrix representation of a solution of a combinatorial problem of the group theory
Memory efficient scheduling of Strassen-Winograd's matrix multiplication algorithm
Methods of Matrix Multiplication: An Overview of Several Methods and their Implementation
mlpy: Machine Learning Python
MP users guide
NetEvo: A computational framework for the evolution of dynamical complex networks
NLSEmagic: Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Multidimensional Matlab-based GPU-accelerated Integrators using Compact High-order Schemes
Nonsingular Efficient Modeling of Rotations in 3-space using three components
Odeint - Solving ordinary differential equations in C++
One approach to the digital visualization of hedgehogs in holomorphic dynamics
Operand Folding Hardware Multipliers
Parallel Computation of Finite Element Navier-Stokes codes using MUMPS Solver
Parallel Evaluation of Mathematica Programs in Remote Computers Available in Network
PetRBF--A parallel O(N) algorithm for radial basis function interpolation
Point-and-write --- Documenting Formal Mathematics by Reference