A Novel Bayesian Classifier using Copula Functions
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based on a Modified Model of Random Walk
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based on Quantum Games
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based on Quantum Random Walk
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based Upon Games on Evolving Network
A Novel Model of Working Set Selection for SMO Decomposition Methods
A Novel Rough Set Reduct Algorithm for Medical Domain Based on Bee Colony Optimization
A Novel Template-Based Learning Model
A Novel Training Algorithm for HMMs with Partial and Noisy Access to the States
A PAC-Bayesian Analysis of Graph Clustering and Pairwise Clustering
A parameter-free hedging algorithm
A Partnership in Mississippi for Promoting Astronomy to Diverse Sectors of the Public
A pattern recognition system for locating small volcanoes in Magellan SAR images of Venus
A Philosophical Treatise of Universal Induction
A Planet Detection Tutorial and Simulator
A Primal-Dual Convergence Analysis of Boosting
A Privacy-Aware Bayesian Approach for Combining Classifier and Cluster Ensembles
A Proposal for a Research-based Constructivist Physics-and-Pedagogy Course
A Quadratic Loss Multi-Class SVM
A Radar-Shaped Statistic for Testing and Visualizing Uniformity Properties in Computer Experiments