Robust Classification with Context-Sensitive Features
Robust Combining of Disparate Classifiers through Order Statistics
Robust Distributed Online Prediction
Robust Inference of Trees
Robust Interactive Learning
Robust learning Bayesian networks for prior belief
Robust LogitBoost and Adaptive Base Class (ABC) LogitBoost
Robust Metric Learning by Smooth Optimization
Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via $L_1$ Norm Regularization
Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit
Robust Visual Mining of Data with Error Information
Robustness and Generalization
Robustness and Regularization of Support Vector Machines
Rock Around the World: Extending a Global Reach to Involve Students in Science Using Infrared Research at Mars
Rock Around the World: International Outreach for Scientific Education Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Rock-Mechanical Constraints on SPH Applications to Asteroid Impact Evolution
Role of Creative Competitions and Mass Media in the Astronomy Education of School Students
Role of Interestingness Measures in CAR Rule Ordering for Associative Classifier: An Empirical Approach
Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
RSpec: New Real-time Spectroscopy Software Enhances High School and College Learning