On Learning Thresholds of Parities and Unions of Rectangles in Random Walk Models
On Optimality of Greedy Policy for a Class of Standard Reward Function of Restless Multi-armed Bandit Problem
On Probability Distributions for Trees: Representations, Inference and Learning
On q-Gaussian kernel and its Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
On Recovery of Sparse Signals via $\ell_1$ Minimization
On sample complexity for computational pattern recognition
On Sequence Prediction for Arbitrary Measures
On the clustering aspect of nonnegative matrix factorization
On the Convergence Speed of MDL Predictions for Bernoulli Sequences
On the Doubt about Margin Explanation of Boosting
On the Dual Formulation of Boosting Algorithms
On the Equivalence between Herding and Conditional Gradient Algorithms
On the Existence and Convergence Computable Universal Priors
On the Finite Time Convergence of Cyclic Coordinate Descent Methods
On the Foundations of Adversarial Single-Class Classification
On the Foundations of Universal Sequence Prediction
On the Job Training
On the limitations of thought experiments in physics and the consequences for physics teaching
On the monotonization of the training set
On the Necessity of Irrelevant Variables