Conception d'outils de communication spécifiques au contexte éducatif
Conceptions et usages des plates-formes de formation, Revue Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation
Concerning the Feasibility of Example-driven Modelling Techniques
Confrontation of viewpoints in a concurrent engineering process
Considering Functional Spreadsheet Operator Usage Suggests the Value of Example Driven Modelling for Decision Support Systems
Contextual Mobile Learning Strongly Related to Industrial Activities: Principles and Case Study
Controlling End User Computing Applications - a case study
Controlling the Information Flow in Spreadsheets
Conversation Analysis and the User Experience
Cost-Effective Integration of MKM Semantic Services into Editing Environments
Creating Usable Pin Array Tactons for Non-Visual Information
Crowdsourcing for Usability Testing
CSCR:Computer Supported Collaborative Research
Culture and International Usability Testing: The Effects of Culture in Structured Interviews
Current state of the Sonix -- the IBR-2 instrument control software and plans for future developments