State Complexity of Two Combined Operations: Reversal-Catenation and Star-Catenation
State complexity of union and intersection combined with star and reversal
State Elimination Ordering Strategies: Some Experimental Results
State machine models of timing and circuit design
Streaming Tree Transducers
Strictness of the Collapsible Pushdown Hierarchy
Symbolic dynamics
Synchronizing Automata on Quasi Eulerian Digraph
Syntactic Complexity of Finite/Cofinite, Definite, and Reverse Definite Languages
Syntactic Complexity of Ideal and Closed Languages
Syntactic Complexity of Prefix-, Suffix-, Bifix-, and Factor-Free Regular Languages
Syntactic Complexity of Star-Free Languages
Synthese des Controleurs Optimaux pour les Systemes a Evenements Discrets
Synthesis of Succinct Systems
Systems of Word Equations and Polynomials: a New Approach