Decidability and Shortest Strings in Formal Languages
Decidability of the Equivalence of Multi-Letter Quantum Finite Automata
Decidable Problems for Probabilistic Automata on Infinite Words
Deciding if a Regular Language is Generated by a Splicing System
Deciding Regularity of Hairpin Completions of Regular Languages in Polynomial Time
Deciding the Value 1 Problem of Probabilistic Leaktight Automata
Decomposition Complexity
Descriptional complexity of bounded context-free languages
Descriptional Complexity of the Languages KaL: Automata, Monoids and Varieties
Descriptional Complexity of Three-Nonterminal Scattered Context Grammars: An Improvement
Detecting patterns in finite regular and context-free languages
Deterministic pushdown automata and unary languages
Determinization of $ω$-automata unified
Dynamic Observers for Fault Diagnosis of Timed Systems
Dynamical generalizations of the Lagrange spectrum