Fast Set Intersection and Two Patterns Matching
Fast Simulation of Multicomponent Dynamic Systems
Fast, precise and dynamic distance queries
FAST: Kernelization based on Graph Modular Decomposition
Faster Algorithm of String Comparison
Faster Algorithms for Feedback Arc Set Tournament, Kemeny Rank Aggregation and Betweenness Tournament
Faster Algorithms for Finding and Counting Subgraphs
Faster Algorithms for Online Topological Ordering
Faster Algorithms for Rectangular Matrix Multiplication
Faster Algorithms for Semi-Matching Problems
Faster and More Accurate Sequence Alignment with SNAP
Faster and simpler approximation of stable matchings
Faster and Simpler Minimal Conflicting Set Identification
Faster and Simpler Width-Independent Parallel Algorithms for Positive Semidefinite Programming
Faster Approximate Distance Queries and Compact Routing in Sparse Graphs
Faster Approximate Lossy Generalized Flow via Interior Point Algorithms
Faster Approximate Pattern Matching in Compressed Repetitive Texts
Faster Approximate String Matching for Short Patterns
Faster Approximation Schemes and Parameterized Algorithms on H-Minor-Free and Odd-Minor-Free Graphs
Faster Approximation Schemes for Fractional Multicommodity Flow Problems via Dynamic Graph Algorithms