Fast Detour Computation for Ride Sharing
Fast Evaluation of Interlace Polynomials on Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
Fast evaluation of union-intersection expressions
Fast FPT algorithms for vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems using neighborhood unions
Fast Fraction-Integer Method for Computing Multiplicative Inverse
Fast Hierarchical Clustering and Other Applications of Dynamic Closest Pairs
Fast Incremental and Personalized PageRank
Fast Isomorphism Testing of Graphs with Regularly-Connected Components
Fast k-means algorithm clustering
Fast Local Computation Algorithms
Fast Matrix Rank Algorithms and Applications
Fast Moment Estimation in Data Streams in Optimal Space
Fast Multi-Scale Detection of Relevant Communities
Fast Multiplication of Matrices with Decay
Fast Multipoint-Evaluation of Bivariate Polynomials
Fast normal random number generators on vector processors
Fast phylogeny reconstruction through learning of ancestral sequences
Fast Private Data Release Algorithms for Sparse Queries
Fast Pseudo-Random Fingerprints
Fast Searching in Packed Strings