EqRank: Theme Evolution in Citation Graphs
Error-Correcting Data Structures
Estimating Aggregate Properties on Probabilistic Streams
Estimating and Sampling Graphs with Multidimensional Random Walks
Estimating Entropy of Data Streams Using Compressed Counting
Estimating small frequency moments of data stream: a characteristic function approach
Estimating small moments of data stream in nearly optimal space-time
Estimating the Average of a Lipschitz-Continuous Function from One Sample
Euclidean algorithms are Gaussian
Euclidean Prize-collecting Steiner Forest
Evacuation of rectilinear polygons
Even Better Framework for min-wise Based Algorithms
Evolving Categories: Consistent Framework for Representation of Data and Algorithms
Exact algorithms for OWA-optimization in multiobjective spanning tree problems
Exact Analysis of Pattern Matching Algorithms with Probabilistic Arithmetic Automata
Exact and Approximation Algorithms for DNA Tag Set Design
Exact counting of Euler Tours for generalized series-parallel graphs
Exact Covers via Determinants
Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs
Exact Exponential Time Algorithms for Max Internal Spanning Tree