Correlation Robust Stochastic Optimization
Counting Colours in Compressed Strings
Counting Paths and Packings in Halves
Counting Perfect Matchings as Fast as Ryser
Counting preimages of TCP reordering patterns
Courcelle's Theorem - A Game-Theoretic Approach
Cover Time and Broadcast Time
Covering Cubes and the Closest Vector Problem
CR-precis: A deterministic summary structure for update data streams
CRAM: Compressed Random Access Memory
Cross-Document Pattern Matching
Crossing-Free Acyclic Hamiltonian Path Completion for Planar st-Digraphs
Crossing-Optimal Acyclic HP-Completion for Outerplanar st-Digraphs
Cuckoo Hashing with Pages
Curse of Dimensionality in Pivot-based Indexes
Curse of Dimensionality in the Application of Pivot-based Indexes to the Similarity Search Problem
Cut-Matching Games on Directed Graphs