A Metaheuristic Approach for IT Projects Portfolio Optimization
A Minimal OO Calculus for Modelling Biological Systems
A model for reactive porous transport during re-wetting of hardened concrete
A more appropriate Protein Classification using Data Mining
A Multi-Interference-Channel Matrix Pair Beamformer for CDMA Systems
A Neural Networks Model of the Venezuelan Economy
A Newton method without evaluation of nonlinear function values
A Non Parametric Model for the Forecasting of the Venezuelan Oil Prices
A Non Parametric Study of the Volatility of the Economy as a Country Risk Predictor
A note on fractional derivative modeling of broadband frequency-dependent absorption: Model III
A note on radial basis function computing
A Novel Statistical Diagnosis of Clinical Data
A numerical approach for 3D manufacturing tolerances synthesis
A Process Calculus for Molecular Interaction Maps
A quasi-RBF technique for numerical discretization of PDE's
A semi-quantitative equivalence for abstracting from fast reactions
A Semidefinite Relaxation for Air Traffic Flow Scheduling
A simple C++ library for manipulating scientific data sets as structured data
A simple framework for integrated design of complex architectural forms
A simulation engine to support production scheduling using genetics-based machine learning