Closures in Formal Languages and Kuratowski's Theorem
Closures in Formal Languages: Concatenation, Separation, and Algorithms
Cluster Computing and the Power of Edge Recognition
Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity
Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity II: A Simple Example
Collapsing and Separating Completeness Notions under Average-Case and Worst-Case Hypotheses
Combinatorial invariants for graph isomorphism problem
Combinatorial laplacians and positivity under partial transpose
Comment on "Some non-conventional ideas about algorithmic complexity"
Comments on Beckmann's Uniform Reducts
Common Permutation Problem
Communication Complexity
Communication Complexity Lower Bounds by Polynomials
Communication Lower Bounds Using Dual Polynomials
Communications in cellular automata
Complejidad descriptiva y computacional en maquinas de Turing pequenas
Complete Multi-Representations of Sets in a Computable Measure Space
Complex Tilings
Complexity and Completeness of Immanants
Complexity and Philosophy