Fairness Through Awareness
Fast algorithms for computing isogenies between elliptic curves
Fast and Simple Methods For Computing Control Points
Fast Balanced Partitioning in Hard, Even on Grids and Trees
Fast Enumeration of Combinatorial Objects
Fast Exact Method for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem
Faster Polynomial Multiplication via Discrete Fourier Transforms
Feasible Depth
Finding and counting vertex-colored subtrees
Finding Exact Minimal Polynomial by Approximations
Finding of k in Fagin's R. Theorem 24
Finite automata for testing uniqueness of Eulerian trails
Finite state verifiers with constant randomness
Finite-State Dimension and Lossy Decompressors
Finite-State Dimension and Real Arithmetic
Fixed Point and Aperiodic Tilings
Fixed Type Theorems
Fixed-point tile sets and their applications
Fooling functions of halfspaces under product distributions
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