A Statistical Model for Word Discovery in Transcribed Speech
A Stochastic Finite-State Word-Segmentation Algorithm for Chinese
A Straightforward Approach to Morphological Analysis and Synthesis
A Structured Language Model
A Study of the Context(s) in a Specific Type of Texts: Car Accident Reports
A Support Tool for Tagset Mapping
A Survey of Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment Methods
A Symbolic and Surgical Acquisition of Terms through Variation
A symbolic description of punning riddles and its computer implementation
A syntax-based part-of-speech analyser
A Tableau Calculus for Pronoun Resolution
A Tableaux Calculus for Ambiguous Quantification
A Theory of Parallelism and the Case of VP Ellipsis
A Tool for Collecting Domain Dependent Sortal Constraints From Corpora
A tool set for the quick and efficient exploration of large document collections
A toolkit for a generative lexicon
A Tractable Extension of Linear Indexed Grammars
A Tutorial on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm Including Maximum-Likelihood Estimation and EM Training of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
A Unified Example-Based and Lexicalist Approach to Machine Translation
A Unified Process Model of Syntactic and Semantic Error Recovery in Sentence Understanding