A Flexible POS tagger Using an Automatically Acquired Language Model
A Flexible Pragmatics-driven Language Generator for Animated Agents
A Flexible Rule Compiler for Speech Synthesis
A Flexible Shallow Approach to Text Generation
A Formal Framework for Linguistic Annotation
A Formal Framework for Linguistic Annotation (revised version)
A Formal Look at Dependency Grammars and Phrase-Structure Grammars, with Special Consideration of Word-Order Phenomena
A Formal Model of Dictionary Structure and Content
A Formalism and an Algorithm for Computing Pragmatic Inferences and Detecting Infelicities
A FORTRAN coded regular expression Compiler for IBM 1130 Computing System
A Framework for Creating Natural Language User Interfaces for Action-Based Applications
A framework for lexical representation
A Framework for Natural Language Interfaces to Temporal Databases
A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer, Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German
A Freely Available Syntactic Lexicon for English
A Freely Available Wide Coverage Morphological Analyzer for English
A General Architecture for Language Engineering (GATE) - a new approach to Language Engineering R&D
A General, Sound and Efficient Natural Language Parsing Algorithm based on Syntactic Constraints Propagation
A generation algorithm for f-structure representations
A generic tool to generate a lexicon for NLP from Lexicon-Grammar tables