Approximation and Exactness in Finite State Optimality Theory
Approximations to the MMI criterion and their effect on lattice-based MMI
Arabic Keyphrase Extraction using Linguistic knowledge and Machine Learning Techniques
Arabic Speech Recognition System using CMU-Sphinx4
Architectural Considerations for Conversational Systems -- The Verbmobil/INTARC Experience
Aspects of Pattern-Matching in Data-Oriented Parsing
ASR Context-Sensitive Error Correction Based on Microsoft N-Gram Dataset
Assembling Actor-based Mind-Maps from Text Stream
Assessing agreement on classification tasks: the kappa statistic
Assessing Complexity Results in Feature Theories
Assessing System Agreement and Instance Difficulty in the Lexical Sample Tasks of Senseval-2
Assigning Grammatical Relations with a Back-off Model
ATLAS: A flexible and extensible architecture for linguistic annotation
Attaching Multiple Prepositional Phrases: Generalized Backed-off Estimation
Attempto - From Specifications in Controlled Natural Language towards Executable Specifications
Attempto Controlled English (ACE)
Autocatalytic Theory of Meaning
Automated languages phylogeny from Levenshtein distance
Automated Postediting of Documents
Automated tone transcription