An Optimal Tabular Parsing Algorithm
An Usage Measure Based on Psychophysical Relations
An XML based Document Suite
Analyse en dépendances à l'aide des grammaires d'interaction
Analyse spectrale des textes: détection automatique des frontières de langue et de discours
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
Analysis of Japanese Compound Nouns using Collocational Information
Analysis of the Arabic Broken Plural and Diminutive
Analysis of Titles and Readers For Title Generation Centered on the Readers
Analyzing and Improving Statistical Language Models for Speech Recognition
Analyzing language development from a network approach
Anaphora and Discourse Structure
Anaphora Resolution in Japanese Sentences Using Surface Expressions and Examples
Anchoring a Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar for Discourse
ANN-based Innovative Segmentation Method for Handwritten text in Assamese
Annotated English
Annotation Graphs and Servers and Multi-Modal Resources: Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Education, Research and Development
Annotation graphs as a framework for multidimensional linguistic data analysis
Annotation Style Guide for the Blinker Project
Another Facet of LIG Parsing